The goals of this collaboration are to remove healthcare silos and provide access to critical patient data across care settings, locations, and entities in seconds
San Antonio, TX and San Diego, CA — January 5, 2021 – AirStrip®, the leading provider of medical data, announced today that it has formed a strategic collaboration with Trice Imaging. Trice is the industry leader in mobile cloud-based medical image management and decision support, and will bring its secure solutions together with AirStrip so that providers can instantly and securely share clinically relevant patient data, including examination images, cardiac waveforms, and fetal surveillance in near real-time.
The timeline for this collaboration has been accelerated due to numerous requests from hospital leaders during the current pandemic to enable an urgent increase in the clinician-to-patient ratios needed to mitigate the shortage of clinical staff as COVID-19 hospitalizations increased, as well as to protect clinicians caring for patients by allowing distance to be maintained during care, when possible, to avoid exposure to the virus.
“The bed capacity and clinical staffing challenges we are experiencing with the COVID-19 patient surge accelerated the need for intelligent, data-driven platforms capable of harnessing the power of cognition and Augmented Intelligence from data collection, processing, analysis to mobile, and actionable data care delivery,” said Alan Portela, CEO of AirStrip. “With today’s announcement, we know that we can speed up the delivery of healthcare information via sophisticated tele-critical care surveillance tools, increase the clinician-to-patient ratios, and accelerate the time to intervention without limitations of distance.”
AirStrip ONE® offers solutions that allow hundreds of health systems to unlock the full potential of their existing medical technology infrastructure investments with an interoperability platform that provides seamless access to clinical data and mobile actionable insights across the care continuum using remote access or web access granted by the health system. It features mobile diagnostic quality cardiac waveform viewing and sophisticated mobile fetal surveillance, providing clinicians with near-real-time contextual and clinically relevant data for situational awareness. In Obstetrics, for example, AirStrip ONE technology has been used to support more than six million births to date.
Networking Providers From Any Location
Both companies will offer their medical mobile collaboration tools between remote locations such as a sterile ER/ICU, for networking providers across the healthcare continuum, and for off-site consultations, such as for clinical aid workers in other countries who are providing care or in emergency situations; even from a helicopter or an ambulance.
Increasing the Speed of Care
Healthcare is data-driven and becoming more digitized. CDs, print outs, and paper records are being replaced with cloud services for routing of medical images and other critical data between healthcare providers to increase flexibility and the speed of care.
Tricefy™ by Trice supports safe medical imaging data collaboration through its cloud-based solution, enabling providers to instantly and securely share examination images, clips, and reports. Tricefy allows medical staff to collaborate, report, archive, and remotely access medical data anytime, anywhere. Trice also provides the patients with secure access to their full exam, so that the patient can share their record with other providers. Tricefy has been used by almost ten million patients across 196 countries and for clinical collaboration across more than 100 countries.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has proven how desperately our healthcare systems require more flexibility where doctors and experts are coming together to improve healthcare for everyone regardless of who and where they are,” said Åsa Sjöblom Nordgren, Founder and CEO of Trice Imaging. “Together with AirStrip, we plan to network clinicians, regions, nationally, and across national borders, to leverage access to experts remotely, and ensure that providers in stressful and time critical situations have access to a holistic point of view and can provide the best possible outcome for their patients.”
About AirStrip
AirStrip ONE® offers solutions that allow health systems to unlock the full potential of their existing technology investments with a mobile interoperability platform that provides access to data and intelligent insights across the care continuum. It features advanced intelligent cardiac waveform analysis, providing clinicians with near real time contextual and clinically relevant data vs. measuring waveforms manually using calipers. For more information visit, https://www.airstrip.com/.
About Trice Imaging
Trice Imaging, Inc. is a privately -owned company at the intersection of wireless technology and healthcare. Trice mobilizes medical images by sending them from any imaging modality to any mobile device. Physicians receive remote access to images and reports, cost efficient storage, and the ability to collaborate with other physicians. Patients receive high-quality medical images that they can print, store, publish, and send to family and friends or to doctors for a second opinion. Trice Imaging’s award winning, patented technology is a value-added service to any medical imaging system or diagnostic software. Trice Imaging is headquartered in San Diego, California and has offices in Stockholm, Sweden and Munich Germany. For more information visit www.triceimaging.com.
Media Contact:
Heidi Davidson
(914) 441-6862