Specialties: Abdominal/Small Parts, Obstetrics/Gynecologic, and Vascular Technology
The main reason is that we decided to using Tricefy is that our clinic wants to be on the cutting edge of new technologies and we really think that Trice Imaging solution provide us with such a technology when it comes to sharing images to patients and for a second opinion. Our Clinic is located in Alaska and the population is very wide spread. Also a lot of people working in the military like to share their studies with doctors and friends around the world and family. We also have a need to share around 5% of our studies to other providers for a second opinion with Tricefy we can easly share the images and also import the reports from our Imaging Software Viewpoint. The Providers and Referring Physicians really like this feature since it’s fast and they can upload the study to their own EMR.
The biggest change for our clinic has been that Tricefy really eliminate time for us and time means cost. Before we burned CD for every patient and second opinion. To burn a CD takes around 5 min per patient to send a study through Tricefy to a patient takes 5-10 Seconds. We see around 15-20 patients in our Practice every day. So Tricefy saves us around 1,5 hour per day. Tricefy has also increased our efficiency for second opinion. Normally we would send a CD through the mail this could take between 1-3 days. Sending something on second opinion with Tricefy takes a couple seconds to share and get a second opinion. The referring physicians pointed out that this is absolutely the easiest and best way to share studies for a second opinion.