Trice in the world
Trice is currently available in North America, Europe, most of the countries on the African continent, Australia and New Zealand ... More to come
Dr. Edwin Quarello -
Institut de Médicine de la Reproduction, Marseille France.
"With Tricefy I efficiently communicate with colleagues and patients by sharing medical images, clips and reports. To be able to do this in one single platform changed my life."
Prof. Peter Kozlowski -
Professor, Pränatal Medizin und Genetik, Düsseldorf, Germany
"While still being examined the patients get their images in real time. The mom's eyes sparkel with joy when they receive the images."
Dr. Christian Bisch -
Clinique des Grangettes - Genève
With Tricefy I'm saving a lot of time when selecting and sending images means I got more efficient. Now one click and I'm done. This is time I can now spend with my patients.
Also sending video clips to the referring physicians is a huge improvement in justification of a Pathology.
With Trice it is the first time that I have access to examinations from different scanning offices This is wonderful and became so simple by using your technology
It gives me the possibility to share my professional experience in between colleagues and build up better and more intensiv relationship.Images and reports transferred in best quality gives additional medical value. Tricefy is simple and cheap other than traditional solutions which are mostly complicated and expensive. I also feel save by using by sharing medical data in a secure way.
Chantal Monot-Vavaseur -
Centre d'exploration foetale
I use Tricefy to send the images and videos to my patients instead of burning DVDs and I really appreciate this service.
Most of my patients are absolutely enthusiastic about Tricefy. In the future I think I would also share my reports with my colleagues out of my reporting system.
I was impressed by the simplicity of the installation and would certainly recommend Tricefy to my colleagues in order to be able to collaborate with them in a secure environment.